New Cover Contest Entries
Hello All! Please don't forget to submit your favorite pet photo's for our cover contest. Time is running out! Click on to submit your photo and donation of $25 for a…
Fairytale Endings Friday
BUCK Found his Fairytale Home in 2016 Adopted by Hoof and Paw member Margy Peterson
This Weeks Cover Contest Entries
A warm thank you to everyone for your entries last week. Please remember you can still enter your favorite pet pictures for a chance to win a painting of the…
Positive Animal Quotes
“In the end, we don’t know what horses can do. We only know that when, over the past thousands of years, we have asked something more of them, they have readily…
Cover Contest Entries
We had several adorable entries last week into our cover contest. Thank you to all of those supporting us!! If you are interested in submitting a photo (or photos) your…
“Lots of people talk to animals...Not very many listen though...that's the problem.”